Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter--Resurrection Sunday

The Resurrection of Christ (1570-1580)
by Jacopo Tintoretto

"Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here; he has risen!"
Luke 24:5-6

"The resurrection of Jesus assures us of God's
forgiveness, power, and ultimate triumph.

It enables us
to face our past
(however much reason we have to be ashamed of it),
confident of God's forgiveness through him
who died for our sins and was raised;
to face our present
(however strong our temptations and
heavy our responsibilities),
confident of the sufficiency of God's power;
and to face our future
(however uncertain it may be),
confident of God's final triumph,
of which the resurrection is the pledge.

The resurrection, precisely because it was a
decisive, public, visible act of God,
within the material order,
brings us firm assurance
in an otherwise insecure world."

--John Stott, The Contemporary Christian, p. 85

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