Monday, March 26, 2007

Philip Yancey in SUV Accident

Of the thousands of Christian authors out there, Philip Yancey is head and shoulders the best of our generation.

Many of his books are bona fide classics--like Where Is God When It Hurts, Disappointment with God, and What's So Amazing About Grace. If you've never read Yancey, I highly recommend him to you.

In his latest work, Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?, Yancey experienced a first-hand answer that began this way on February 25:

I was driving alone on a remote highway, curvy but not too hilly, at about 65 mph. A curve came up suddenly and I turned to the left, perhaps too sharply. As you may know, Ford Explorers are rather notorious for fishtailing, and this one did. I tried to correct, but as best as I can reconstruct what happened, my tire slipped off the edge of the asphalt onto the dirt. That started the Explorer rolling over sideways, at least three times and probably more. Amazingly, the vehicle stopped right side up.

Aside from cuts and bruises, Yancey appeared unscathed, but a life-threatening, invisible danger soon lurked. Fortunately, Yancey lives to write about his experience and once again we're beneficiaries to another one of his good stories.

Click here to read the rest of the drama.

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